by Hannah Elder, Associate Reference Librarian for Rights & Reproductions
Today, we return to the transcription of Clara E. Currier’s 1925 diary. Currier was a working-class woman who lived in or near Haverhill, MA. Her diary records her daily activities—from fiber arts to paid employment to observations of the natural world—providing insight into daily life a century ago. You can find entries for January in a past blog post.
February ushers in a series of dull days, which Clara fills with work, her fiber crafts, and entertainments with friends. She observes more cosmological and geological events and weathers a few storms. Clara starts taking home paychecks from her work and records her pay for the week on Thursdays.

Feb. 1, Sun. Fair and warmer, went to church and S.S, went up to Stephen’s for the afternoon, Charley and Delia came up after supper.
Feb. 2, Mon. Snow, wrote letters.
Feb. 3, Tues. Dull, went to Grange
Feb. 4, Wed. Fair, went over to see Blanche, crocheted.
Feb. 5, Thurs. [$]19 Fair, crocheted.
Feb. 6, Fri. Fair, went up town and cooked.
Feb 7, Sat. Fair and warmer, went to Haverhill about glasses and over home, had a sleighride.
Feb. 8, Sun. Fair and warm, went out skiing, saw a partial eclipse of the moon on the full, William brought me back. Wrote to Mrs. Muller.
Feb. 9, Mon. Dull with fog at night, went to class meeting, crocheted.
Feb. 10, Tues. Foggy, Blache came over.
Feb. 11, Wed. Foggy and rain, went over to Dennis’s and heard some fine music on the radio, crocheted.
Feb. 12, Thurs. [$]19. Foggy, knit and crocheted.
Feb. 13, Fri. Fair, went to the Swanee River Quartet concert (colored) at the Methodist Church with Sizzie and Blanche.
Feb. 14, Sat. Fair, washed and cooked, went uptown.
Feb. 15, Sun. Rain, went up to Delia’s for afternoon and evening with Sizzie.
Feb. 16, Mon. Fair, wrote letters and cooked.
Feb. 17, Tues. Dull, went to Grange.
Feb. 18, Wed. Fair, went to Legion play, “The Village School.[”]
Feb. 19, Thurs. [$]19 Fair, worked until six o’clock.
Feb. 20, Fri. Fair, worked until six then went up to Stephen’s.
Feb. 21, Sat. Fair, worked until 4 o’clock then went up home, Charles and Mabel came after me.
Feb. 22, Sun. Fair and springlike, went out after pussy willows, William and Mary brought me back.
Feb. 23, Mon. Dull and rainy, worked all day until six, went to class meeting.
Feb. 24, Tues. Dull, then cleared, worked until six, went up town at noon.
Feb. 25, Wed. Dull, worked until six, knit.
Feb. 26, Thurs. [$]20.90 Rain hail, snow, and cleared out at night, very cold and windy, waited on table at men’s club banquet, had Rev. Mr. Lindsay to speak.
Feb. 27, Fri. Fair and cold, worked until six, heard radio at Mrs. Dennis’s.
Feb. 28, Sat. Fair, worked until four o’clock, went up town, had an earthquake shock at 9.30 P.M shoke the house.
If you are interested in viewing the diary in person in our library or have other questions about the collection, please visit the library or contact a member of the library staff.
*Please note that this diary transcription is a rough-and-ready version, not an authoritative transcript. Researchers wishing to use the diary in the course of their own work should verify the version found here with the manuscript original.
This line-a-day blog series is inspired by and in honor of MHS reference librarian Anna J. Clutterbuck-Cook (1981–2023), whose entertaining and enlightening line-a-day blog series ran from 2015 to 2019. Her generous, humane, and creative approach to both history and librarianship continues to influence the work of the MHS library.